
The friendliest festival in the world is open for everyone and should be as easy as possible for people to attend. Which is why we’re putting a special focus on accessibility for SWF25. This includes anything that could potentially impair your ability to fully enjoy the Festival.

Our venue, Historiska Museet, is beautiful but old. Which means it can be a challenge to physically navigate, something evident in the museum’s own accessibility page. We hope to further mitigate any potential difficulties through our own accessibility coordination.

Leading the charge: Leon Rousseau. As a disabled person, he knows the challenges of attending SWF at Historiska. Working with SWF, he’s advised us on how to work with the limitations of the space and minimize any possible discomfort. Leon will be our staff’s point of contact for any disability that requires adaptation during the course of SWF25. Contact him, or any volunteer for that matter, during the Festival or in advance with any of your concerns or needs.

In advance of the Festival, we’ll provide more information in the SWF newsletter and post videos about how to travel from the metro, bus and through the interior of the museum.