First 5 Pages Prize
At SWF, we believe prizes are important. They inspire writers to hone those crucial beginning pages that make the all-important first impression on agents and editors. Regardless of whether you enter our prize, we hope you’re getting the support you need to find your own path to published.
The First 5 Pages Prize is closed for 2025. We’ll post the Long and Short Lists in May.
The Rules
When and what can I submit?
We opened on Wednesday, January 1, 2025! Our new closing date is Monday, March 10, Saturday, (UTC-12) which, in some time zones, will fall on March 11.
For a fee of $20, you can submit the first five pages of your unpublished novel, book or novella. Entries must be in English. Longlist and Shortlist entries will be notified and announced on the SWF website. We love all genres and both fiction and non-fiction. In fact, last year’s Grand Prize was awarded to a work of historical fiction. Ultimately we’re looking for beautiful writing.
What are the prizes?
There will be one Grand Prize Winner chosen from all entries. The prize package includes:
A free ticket to SWF25 August 29-31, and related events
Two nights in a downtown Stockholm boutique hotel
A pitch meeting with a relevant agent
Developmental editing of your manuscript courtesy of Reedsy
We will also choose a 2nd and 3rd Prize Winner and two Honorable Mentions. 2nd and 3rd Prize Winners will receive a ticket to SWF25 and related events and a meeting with a relevant agent. Prizes are non-transferable or exchangeable.
What are the eligibility requirements?
The SWF First 5 Pages Prize is open to anyone over 16 years of age. There are no geographical limits to those entering: The First 5 Pages Prize is open to anyone, anywhere around the world. There is no limit to the number of pieces you can enter. Entries must be entirely the work of the entrant and must never have been published in any format. You may enter as many times as you like. You may not enter if you are a writer with agented representation. Writers who are not currently agented may enter (even if previously represented by an agent). You cannot enter if you are related to, or in a personal relationship with, a member of the SWF Board of Directors or any judge of the Prize.
Your manuscript does not have to be complete for you to enter!
How do I submit?
Entries must be the first five pages of your book, novel or novella. Entries should be double-spaced, in Baskerville or Times New Roman, 12 pt font, with numbered pages. The title of your book should appear as a header or footer on each page of your entry. All submissions are made through Submittable. No name, address or identifying information should appear on the document. So, this will be accepted: “HarryPotter.pdf,” or “GrapesofWrath.doc.” These, however, will be disqualified: “TheGrapesofWrathJSteinbeck.doc,” or, “Harry_Potter_Rowling.pdf”.
Upon receipt of your submission, the Submittable platform will confirm receipt by email, referencing a unique number assigned to your submission, and will not reference titles, or names by design. This keeps all identifying information about the submitter completely anonymous during the judging process.
Who judges the Prize?
First round judging will be done by the Stockholm Writers Festival with final judging conducted by a guest from our faculty for 2025. Their decision is final and no individual correspondence can be entered into.
When will winners be announced?
Longlist and Shortlist entries will be notified in late spring of 2025 and announced here on our website. Entry implies acceptance of all the rules. Failure to comply with the entry requirements will result in disqualification.
A note about copyrights
No legitimate contest will ever ask or require you to sign over the copyright of your work. Full stop. You certainly don’t need to worry about it entering the First 5 Pages Prize.